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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Google Calendar Ideas and Tips

Lots of great Google Apps stories out there!  Paperless classrooms, school newspapers gone google, committees and teams collaborating on agendas in docs, etc.  Many of you are using Google Calendar for shared calendars for things like laptop carts, labs, library schedules and even the school master calendar.

The service desk has seen a number of tickets on issues with calendar sharing not working correctly (the other person that the calendar has been shared with can't see the shared calendar in google apps)

In most cases, they have had success with having people remove the person who can't see the calendar- saving the changes - then adding the user again - and saving again.

A few other suggestions:  
  • make sure you are adding the staff with their "" account (not jeffco.k12)
  • make sure you click "save" at the bottom of the sharing screen
  • make sure the other user is refreshing their calendar page (if they had calendar open before the new calendar was shared, it might not show) 
  • A shared calendar usually appears under "Other Calendars" in the bottom left - and the name of that calendar has to be highlighted in order to display the events associated with that calendar. (It is very easy to accidentally click and select or deselect calendars)
  • The person creating the events in the shared calendar needs to be sure the events they create are under the shared calendar and not their personal calendar.  (Laptop Cart Schedule - not "dcbrooks")
  • Be patient?  Some people are reporting that sometimes the calendars that did not show immediately suddenly "appear" after 10 minutes/an hour/a day.

Do you have some suggestions, questions or great ideas for using Google Calendar?  
Add comments below (We suggest using your Jeffco Google Credentials: )

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